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RoundUp Ready System of Choice

An enhanced landing page that quickly delivers value to farmers and seed dealers through an optimized page flow and more personalized navigation. 


The RoundUp Ready Xtend System of Choice landing page is the first website touchpoint for consumers navigating from paid media placements (digital media, print, radio, etc.). With sales season fast approaching (fall/early winter) soybean farmers are beginning to look at this year’s harvest results and build a sentiment towards certain products and varieties and evaluate what their crop and herbicide system plan will be for the next year (stay the same or adjust some elements). RoundUp Ready created the System of Choice site to help aid farmers, dealers, and retailers in their quest to find and purchase necessary resources for their crops.

Services Provided

UX Audit & Strategy

Information Architecture



HLK Agency


A Deep Dive

The RoundUp Ready Xtend System of Choice landing page is the first website touchpoint for consumers navigating from paid media placements (digital media, print, radio, etc.). With sales season fast approaching (fall/early winter) soybean farmers are beginning to look at this year’s harvest results and build a sentiment towards certain products and varieties and evaluate what their crop and herbicide system plan will be for the next year (stay the same or adjust some elements). RoundUp Ready created the System of Choice site to help aid farmers, dealers, and retailers in their quest to find and purchase necessary resources for their crops.

Understanding the Problem Space

The data showed an 80% bounce rate that occurred when users scrolled about a quarter of the way down the page. This caused users to not engage with any of the forms or CTAs further down the page, hence missing the opportunity for them to find the information they needed and reducing leads for RoundUp.


I was hired to evaluate their current site and provide UX improvements that would help the company to meet its established success metrics and deliver a more valuable experience.


RoundUp needed the following enhancements to their site:

  • Improve conversions based on scroll-depth metrics by reordering content so more users see the call to action

  • Elevate the prominence of the XtendFlex soybean messaging given the shift in focus from the system to XtendFlex soybeans 

  • Dynamically organize content based on the traffic source and/or message clicked

Redesigning for Greater Reward

After evaluating the website, I immediately identified the main pain point that users were experiencing. The interactions between pages were unexpectedly long and excessive which caused the user to have to scroll continuously to see more content. Additionally, the main navigation menu was hidden, the key CTAs were at the bottom of the page, and the soybean information was not easily seen.


On mobile, the site performance lagged and would often crash or become unresponsive. Some of the content was cut off and was not able to be viewed on screen which caused confusion on where to navigate next on the site. After sharing my findings with the product team, I created an optimized version of the landing page with captured all of the client goals and would directly impact the success metrics. My improvements included:

Moving the main navigation to a more visible location

Combining similar content for a better site flow

Reorganizing pages to lift the important CTAs higher on the page

Decreasing the number of interactions and micro-interactions

Implementing more than one way to collect subscriber information

Previous Design

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My Redesign

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Launching a Better Experience

The redesigned System of Choice was launched in July 2023! There were a couple of client delays that prevented the website from going live during its expected launch date; however, the first iteration was released. In future iterations, the email collection will be implemented as long as a few other features. I know that once it is live to the general public, we are going to see a much better conversion rate and increased email subscriptions. Click below to see the current landing page!

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